There are many different types of cactus plants, including some that grow in trees! However, most people grow theirs either outdoors in the landscape or indoors as houseplants. Always read the plant tags for specific details, but for the most part, cacti thrive in full sun and fast-draining soil. Indoors, this means growing near a south- or west-facing window.

You can move indoor cactus plants outdoors during the summer when nighttime temperatures are at least 65 degrees F. Start their outside stay in a protected spot and let them get used to being outside, then move them to an area with more sun. Morning sun is best if you’re planning to move plants between indoors and out.

When to Plant a Cactus

If you’re planting a cactus outside, try to do so during late spring through summer when the plants are actively growing. They’ll establish roots more quickly and get off to an easier start.


How to Plant a Cactus Indoors

1.    Select a pot that is 1½ times as wide as the cactus root ball or stem. If your home is humid or you tend to water too much, you may want to choose an unglazed container, which will dry out more quickly.


2.    Fill the pot ⅓ full with fast-draining Miracle-Gro® Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix, which contains just the right nutrients to get your cactus off to a great start.


3.    Place your cactus in the pot so that the stem or root ball is at the same depth as it was before transplanting. Wear gloves or use a thick layer of newspaper to protect your hands!


4.    Fill in around the rootball, leaving about an inch between the top of the soil and the rim of the container.


5.    Water lightly, until the soil is about as damp as a wrung-out sponge.